you asked

So how does a zerOz slim wallet work?
EASY: add to your zerOz your most used credit cards, gift cards, id cards, insurance cards, whatever .. and then slide them left or right to access what you need. The quick access pocket tab pulls out your favorite card .. then just organize your cards in whatever sequence is intuitive and easy .. in a heartbeat, your zerOz skinny wallet will fit your style and way of living. Super simple. Super intuitive. Super slim and easy to use.

Is zerOz for men & women? Young & old?    
Yes! Men tend to enjoy 2 sizes, small and medium. They carry it in their front pocket. It not only keeps your cards more secure, but it also reduces the chance of suffering from Fat Wallet Syndrome (sounds funny…but it’s real!

For women, zerOz slim wallets keeps you flexible and fashionable. Keep your everyday cards organized, and go from purse to pocket to briefcase with ease. You might also want to consider having an XS for going out or traveling when you don’t want to carry a purse.

zerOz is perfect for kids too. Kids have all kinds of cards now: pool passes, library cards, school id cards, gift cards. With a zerOz skinny wallet, kids will take responsibility, keep track of their own cards and feel hip at the same time.

Will my cards fall out?
Not really!  If you follow the recommendation for number of cards for each wallet size, your cards will fit securely in your zerOz skinny wallet, surrounded by extremely nice leather. If you get crazy with any wallet: shake it or throw it, you could get an errant card flying … but zerOz work awesome. Slide out the card you need … slip it back in and you’re quick to go. With each zerOz, we have included a pocket tab for quick access to your favorite card.

How do I carry cash or hold onto receipts?
If you tend to carry cash, take advantage of the cashStrap. The cashStrap can also be used to keep your id card on the outside. Perfect for frequent travelers who are in and out of airport security lines.

Which size is right for me?
Well, why carry around a big O fat wallet the size of an SUV when you’d rather be super mobile, and react to life more like a zippy car? We all use just a few cards probably 95% of the I’d get one to fit those most used cards. Or you may want to get a couple sizes or different colors ... they’re all cool & affordable. It is easy to switch out your zerOz to match your situation and your lifestyle ... and they come with a few notecards and the pocket tab to fill any extra space in your zerOz. Checkout our size guide.

Can I get a custom zerOz?
A lot of people have asked. Planning a family reunion, want to give a personalized gift this holiday, or have a company logo that you want to emboss into the leather …. oooh very cool …  just email us at: and let us know what you are thinking. We will see what we can do!

warranty:    zerOz are amazing skinny wallets. we make them with very high quality leather & materials. Our crafting, production methods are finely detailed.   Your zerOz is constructed to last a very long time. At the same time, there are some people that have pushed the limits beyond what any zerOz slim wallet, or standard wallet was designed to survive. :) [ you know who you are ]  hey, we put these through storms, overstuffing, chemicals, hard pounding, wash machine rinse cycles by mistake, etc. and they're tough!!   here's the warranty deal: 

zerOz.  there is no warranty for overstuffing it or trips to a coral reef in the Bahamas.  if this stuff happens, we make it tough enough to survive but it probably won't look the same ... gathers nice character but no warranty or replacement wallet for this. if for any crazy reason your zerOz comes apart, we'll fix it for free. we just do not see that happening but if so and if it's after the first year, we'll let you know for a reasonable fee, if we can rebuild it and give it a fresh life.

cashStrap.   intended primarily for cash ... but sure, it works awesome for a hotel room key card ... and well other cards too but if you're doing this thousands of times, or adding multiple cards, we do not guarantee you won't cut into the edges....remember it's a CASH strap and intended for cash. you might over stretch it...we can't help that either, most people are not using that much cash anymore. If you are, maybe don't use it for a stack of cash after a great tip night working bar tender.  like many people, you probably are rather attached to your zerOz (we understand) we'll fix it for just $15, clean it up, refresh it and it'll look awesome. please send it to zerOz. 17 east gay street.  columbus, ohio.  43215   we'll ship it to you for $6.95 unless you bring it in to zerOz. otherwise we'll send you an email with an easy button to click and pay for your refreshed zerOz.     [ps...we can no longer accept checks]

pocket tab.  our ingenious little thin plastic tabz for your one favorite card is not guaranteed. We see some that are still working great after years...but really, they just get tired after using thousands of times, shoved  in and out of pockets or purse. You can get more on line....replacements, black ones, a thicker one. they will last a long time under normal use but we have more available to keep you happy with your zerOz minimalist lifestyle. 

we've seen it all...we think... in our short history:  we do not recommend micro waving it if it gets soak in a rain storm. do not carry or use cards on the back to double your zerOz wallet...remember you have a zerOz to downsize :) and keep your zerOz out of jaw-reach of dogs.....these are such the perfect chew toy ... zerOz is not warrantied against the slobbering enjoyment of your canine friend bored at home while you're out.    zerOz sure must be tasty, we've seen it all. 

Sales, free shipping, two for one ... and other gimmicks.
We all know that when companies offer these things, you’re paying for it somewhere else or they have a lot of profit in their prices to make up for it. We all know it but it still seems enticing ! at zerOz, we don’t follow any of these gimmicks. We've invented and make an awesome line of super skinny, fashionable wallets. We make them great. We make them in downtown columbus. We pay our artists and designers a wage they can feel good about. We treat you with respect.     No gimmicks .. just awesome wallets and service. 
Shipping speed. 
You want you wallet fast … but no drone service yet! Hey, zerOz are made in our studio. You maybe ordered one we have made already or we need to craft yours from scratch (well not find the cow …not that long)  but it may take 5-7 days to make it and pack it and get it out the door.  We know you're excited to get your zerOz … so we try our best and send ASAP.  Or ... stop by if you’re in the middle of the USA … super fun shop and pick one up now. 
Shipping costs.
Hey .. We have an easy great shipping formula. No matter how many zerOz you get: shipping is just $6.95. We’re working hard to keep these costs to absolute minimum for you. Order tabz or a back pocket or top cards: just $1 per item. These prices are for domestic shipping only. For international orders, your costs are calculated based on what country you are shipping to.
Can't find your package.
mailbox mayhem … we know you’re anxious to get your zerOz but someone else may be hoping for a skinny wallet also!  Since more apartments and condos share mailbox areas, we recommend you have a secure area to receive your zerOz package. if you order one or two zerOz, your package will be just 1/2” thick and 9”x12” padded envelope.  while we get tracking for your package, and will send it to you on request, we have no control over finding your package once the post office delivers your zerOz. if lost, ask your neighbors, look around …. or check in with your post office or carrier.  

OOOPS.  need something 
exchange or return.    hey, we know stuff happens. maybe you ordered the wrong zerOz or for some reason you'd rather a different leather or design. Click here for the details to exchange or return your zerOz.